The Tempest
By Giorgione
(Byron’s Favourite Painting)
—If I could explain
at length
the real causes
which have contributed
to increase
this perhaps
temperament of mine
— this Melancholy
which hath made me a bye-word
— nobody would wonder
— — but this is impossible without doing much mischief
— — I do not know what other men’s lives have been
— but I cannot conceive anything more strange
than some of the earlier parts of mine
— — I have written my memoirs
— but omitted all the really
consequential & important
— from deference to the dead —
to the living
— and to those who must be both —
Sometimes I think I should have written
the whole
— as a
— but it might have proved a lesson to be
— rather than
— for passion is
a whirlpool,
which is not to be viewed nearly
without attraction
from it’s
Vortex — —
I must not go on with these reflections
— or I shall be letting out some secret or another
— to paralyze posterity
Byron in
Military Uniform
Newstead Abbey
The Tempest
by Giorgione