Newstead Abbey
(Byron’s Home)
— Of the Immortality of the Soul
it appears to me
that there can be little doubt
— if we attend for a moment
to the action of
the Mind
I used to doubt it
— but reflection has taught me better
It acts also so independent of body
— in dreams for instance —
incoherently and madly I grant you
but it is still
& much more
— than when we are awake
Now that this
should not act
— as well as
— who can pronounce?
How far our future life will be individual
— or rather —
how far it will at all resemble our present existence
is another question
But that the
is eternal
seems as possible
as that the body
is not so
A material resurrection
seems strange
and even absurd
except for purposes
of punishment
— and all punishment
which is to
rather than to
— must be
morally wrong
Byron in
Military Uniform
Newstead Abbey
The Tempest
by Giorgione